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Roof Repair Advice

If your roof is in need of urgent repair, you have come to the right place. I am not a roofing contractor, but I have just finished replacing the roof on my home when the old one failed. The contractor I called in helped me to assess the condition of my old roof and to choose the right type of material to replace it with. He carried out the work quickly and kept me informed about what he was doing. I have learnt so much from the experience that I wanted to share my new found knowledge with the rest of the world.



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Roof Repair Advice

The Daring Truss Design: Tips for Designing with Exposed Roof Trusses

by Krin Rodriguez

Roof trusses have been used in the construction of homes for centuries to provide longitudinal support for a roof. Even with technology advancements in the manufacturing industry, roof trusses still remain true to their intended design principal.

However, one thing has changed for these old timers – the use of exposed roof trusses in design. Beyond their basic function of providing the primary means of roof framing and support, roof trusses have increasingly gained popularity in design as aesthetically pleasing structures when left exposed.

Exposed roof trusses add a distinctive character and charm to a home, be it a traditional style barn or a contemporary home. Here are three tips for working with exposed roof trusses for a daring home design.

Sweat the details

Exposed roof trusses often sound like multiple timbers in triangular configurations that hold up pitched roofs in rustic spaces. Well, this couldn't be further from the truth. However, when designing with exposed roof trusses, every design detail matters, and your roof truss supplier needs all the information you can give to deliver exactly what you want.

Every detail, from design loads to special shapes or even the spacing desired, counts in order to guarantee properly designed trusses for your project.

It's important to provide these details upfront to allow a smooth process as well as save you time and money. After all, you could only wait too long to share your design element with friends and family.

Specification is highly crucial  

To design properly with exposed roof trusses, you must supply your roof trusses supplier with a set of specifications on the preferred layout and truss profile.

Specifications provide a lot more detail on what you want eliminating the need for redoing something that was done without complete information.

Treat your trusses in the same manner as your construction

Once shunned and banished to bans and churches, exposed roof trusses are on the rise as a design element in modern homes.

Naturally, modern homes demand a consistent look for a minimalist design. However, this is no reason not to design with the daring exposed roof trusses. You can add a modern flavour to exposed roof trusses by treating them in the same manner as the rest of the construction. For example, use a consistent colour palette on your walls, ceiling, floor, and trusses to give your space a unified rhythm.

Even in the simplest house models or low ceilings, exposed roof trusses can work wonders as a design element while still maintaining their functionality principle. Reach out to contracting companies like Heyden Frame & Truss for more information.
